From America to Asia: Huge Blockchain Players – President of the ICT & Digital Economy at CNCCEF Will Present

From America to Asia: Huge Blockchain Players – President of the ICT & Digital Economy at CNCCEF Will Present

Blockchain is used by companies from different parts of the world. How does France stand out and how do big corporations being involved in the game differ from each other?

You will get answers from Gilbert Reveillon, President of the ICT & Digital Economy of the CNCCEF on July 18 at the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference France.

Main points:

  • Blockchain game players: how they managed to develop;
  • what makes France attractive and competitive;
  • how European Blockchain DNA is exclusive regarding Architecture, Consensus, Smart Contract and Smart tokenization;

Gilbert Reveillon is the expert in DLT and ICO. He also specializes in Digital Therapy and Transformation, IoT, Big Data and Mobile Banking.

Among the spheres of his work there are also financial services, strategic marketing and business development, Web 2.0 & Virtual Worlds 3D and Mobile Social Commerce.

The expert is a president of the ICT & Digital Econoy at CNCCEF – French National Committee of Councillors of Exterior Commerce. He is also a CEO at Mobile LOOV company which is dealing with wearable technologies and mobile payment solutions.

Meet the speaker and discover how blockchain can deliver disruption in your country and industry! 

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